Whether you’re a local retail shop or a global business, there are various ways to support ALONE, including volunteering, donating or fundraising with your colleagues.

Get your company involved

Many companies want to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility but haven’t found the activity that best suits their employees. Please see our many options below and contact us at [email protected] for more information. If you would like to fundraise online for ALONE, sign up and start with our JustGiving page below.

Nominate ALONE as charity of the year

Many organisations have a charity committee or allow their staff to put forward charities they would like to partner with. We work with our charity partners to ensure that staff can get involved with ongoing developments like advocacy, technology, volunteering and events.

Contact us at [email protected] to see how you can partner with ALONE and fundraising ideas you are interested in.


Company fundraising events

There are many great activities you can do for ALONE. We have listed some below:

  • Organise bake sales,
  • Coffee mornings,
  • Quizzes,
  • Raffles or
  • Dress-down days

We would love to hear any additional ideas you might have to fundraise!

If you are interested in doing a corporate fundraiser, please contact us at [email protected].

Payroll-giving or matching donations

Payroll-giving is a simple and effective way for employees to make regular payments to a charity directly from their salary. This is when a business commits to matching a certain amount because their employees donate/volunteer/fundraise for ALONE. If you are interested, please contact us at [email protected].

Shared skills

ALONE have more than 50 staff members working in technology, finance, fundraising, communications, social care, volunteer support and housing.

It is important for our staff to continue to improve their skills so that they can provide the best service for the older people we support. If your company can provide training in an area that would enhance our skills, we would love to hear from you! If you are interested, please contact us at [email protected].


Maintenance day

Volunteering at our housing units can be a great day out for employees to meet some of the older people we support. We hold maintenance days all year round. For more information, please contact the Fundraising team at [email protected].

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