National Community Impact Network Directory

Please click on the map below to find the nearest Befriending Service for older people in your area. These organisations are part of Community Impact Network, and are independent of ALONE.

About Community Impact Network

What is the CIN? The Community Impact provides support through training, technology and resources to all organisations working with older people across Ireland. What is the purpose of the CIN? To develop the capacity of organisations to support older persons in the community.


Community Impact Network provides support and guidance to new and already-established befriending services in various ways:

  • Coordinator Training covering the setting-up and management of a befriending service
  • Core Volunteer Befriending Training for services who would like their volunteers trained.
  • Peer-to-peer shared learning opportunities in person and online to ensure rural access.
  • Support and Case Management training
  • Service Set-up Basics training.

Our future plans include further training and shared learning opportunities for services in Ireland. CIN also holds an annual national seminar highlighting areas of interest and relevance to the befriending sector.


We provide resources and training to new and well established befriending and support services. Training options are available to both the staff of services and their volunteers.
Please see our training options below.

Service Set-up Basics Training

This training for those is specifically designed for those who are in the process of, or interested in, setting up a befriending service in Ireland. It covers all of the areas that you will need to consider and work on before your befriending service gets up and running.

After attending this training, you will:

  • Know what you need to consider before setting-up a service
  • Be able to identify what kind of befriending and related services operate in Ireland
  • Know what costs are involved in running a befriending service
  • Understand sustainability and ways you can fund your service
  • Be able to identify ways to create a brand for your service
  • List the key policies and paperwork needed for your service
  • Know the recommended staffing structure of a befriending service
  • Be able to identify the key legal requirements needed for your service
  • Have an understanding of a basic office and IT set-up for your service

If you are interested in attending this training, please email ALONE at [email protected] or call ALONE on 01-6791032

Befriending Coordination Training

Befriending Coordination Training covers all aspects of coordinating a befriending service. This training is an ideal follow on from Service Set up training for services who are just starting up. This training is also suitable for established services that would like a refresher or advice on Befriending Coordination.

After attending this training, you will:

  • Know methods and steps to source and recruit befrienders
  • Be able to list referral sources and ways to generate referrals to your service
  • Know methods to successfully assess a befriendee for your service
  • Understand matching and how to go about setting up befriending matches
  • Know how to support befriendees and befrienders in befriending relationships
  • Be able to list ways to manage risk and to safeguard befriendees and befrienders
  • Know typical ways to store service information and data

If you are interested in attending this training, please email ALONE at [email protected] or call ALONE on 01-6791032

Support and Case Management Training

This training provides a framework for Support and Case Management. This training is ideal for organisations who work with older people or with individuals with additional support needs. This training is modelled on the Support Coordination service that ALONE provides to older people both in housing and in the community.

After attending this training, you will:

  • Know techniques to identify the issue(s) a person presents with
  • Have an understanding of the different support work levels
  • Understand comprehensive assessments and techniques
  • Know what steps to take post assessment
  • Understand the case noting system and know how to write case notes
  • Gain an understanding of Support Plan Objectives
  • Know ways to advocate for a person you are supporting
  • Gain and understanding of gaps and blocks in support and case management

If you are interested in attending this training, please email ALONE at [email protected] or call ALONE on 01-6791032

Learn How to Train your Befrienders

This training course is designed specifically for services who are looking to design and deliver their own core befriender training to their befrienders. This training takes the stress out of knowing what to train your befrienders on and how to create a comprehensive training course to best prepare your befrienders in their roles.

After attending this training, you will:

  • Be able to identify topics need to be covered in core befriender training
  • List and discuss what training methods are most suitable for befriender training
  • Know how to structure a training session for befriender training
  • Be able to explain learning styles and how to cater to all learning styles in befriender training
  • Know assessment and evaluation techniques suitable for befriender training
  • Be able to manage diversity in befriender training
  • Be able to identify training materials useful for befriender training
  • Know methods to refresh befrienders in befriender training over the longer ter

If you are interested in attending this training, please email ALONE at [email protected] or call ALONE on 01-6791032

Community Impact Network – Core Befriending Services Training

This an ideal training program for services who would like Community Impact Network to train their staff and befrienders.  In this training all of the essential areas of telephone support and befriending and/or visitation support and befriending are covered.  The training will equip staff, volunteers and befrienders to support an older person to age in safety and with dignity at home.  The training can be adapted to suit each specific service providing a telephone befriending and/or visitation service.  Training module options are also provided on how to develop training for the service, group pr organisation to train their own befrienders and how to set-up a support and case management service.

Volunteer Befriender Training

In this training all of the essential areas to support a volunteer in advance of their role as a befriender:

  • What befriending is and the befriending role
  • Boundaries
  • Communication Skills
  • Health and Safety Support Network
  • Change of Circumstances
  • Matching Steps
Regional Support & Networking Meetings

One of the most important forms of supports that member services avail of from Community Impact Network is the ability to attend Regional Support & Networking Meetings held across the country.

Regional Support & Networking Meetings provide member services of BNI with opportunities to:

  • Network with other services in their locality and nationally.
  • Obtain peer to peer support on issues or challenges in running a befriending service.
  • Discuss specific topics affecting befriending services nationally such as funding and volunteer management.
  • The meetings are informal in style and some meetings will have combined workshops.

Regional Support & Networking Meetings are divided by Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO) throughout the country. However, you and your colleagues are not limited to only being able to attend a meeting in your own CHO area. If there is a meeting in another CHO area that you would like attend that is perfectly fine.

If you are interested in attending upcoming Regional Support & Networking Meetings, please email ALONE at [email protected] or call ALONE on 01-6791032


After attending this training, attendees will:

  • Have knowledge on what Safeguarding adults is and involves.
  • Know what may impact on vulnerability and risk to abuse.
  • Know what you need to consider before putting in place or refreshing your safeguarding procedures.
  • Understand duties, roles and responsibilities for you, your service, staff and volunteers.
  • List and identify types of abuse.
  • How to recognize types and indicators of harm and abuse.
  • Understand reasons for non-disclosures.
  • Know the reason for policies and procedures.
  • What to do if you suspect that someone is being harmed.
  • Awareness of self-care and support with reporting.
  • Access to additional information resources.

After attending this training, attendees will:

  •  Understand how boundaries can impact our work, home and volunteer environment.
  • Recognise how personal boundaries affect professional & personal relationships.
  • Learn about the several types of boundaries that exist.
  • Gain valuable insights into boundary-making.
  • Learn how to recognise when your boundaries are healthy and unhealthy.
  • Determine when to say yes and when to say no within your professional relationships.
  •  Learn to recognise your motivations toward responsibilities and making that link to your own boundaries.
  • Learn to make boundaries when working from home.
  • Learn how to say no in your personal and professional life.